Everything DiSC

Everything DiSC offers a suite of personal development learning experiences which are designed to measure an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC model.

Serving as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite, this simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S and C. Those who opt to participate receive personalised insights which will deepen their understand of themselves and others, as well as making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.

The result of this is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement within your organisation.

AGILE EQ – Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to support your clients’ thriving agile culture with this highly anticipated new solution!

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SALES – Everything DiSC® Sales puts the power of the dynamic Everything DiSC model into the hands of salespeople and provides a dynamic tool for learning how to create customer-centric interactions that delivered improved results.

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MANAGEMENT – Everything DiSC® Management offers a customizable development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role–whether managing direct reports or the relationship with their own manager.

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363 FOR LEADERS – Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders isn’t just any 360. It’s a dynamic 360-degree feedback tool plus 3 personalized strategies for leaders to put into action immediately—a 360 + 3!

PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT – Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict helps participants improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors.

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WORK OF LEADERS – Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership.

WORKPLACE – Everything DiSC Workplace® delivers a comprehensive, easily customizable workplace development solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work.

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Transformational Learning

By using the DiSC model, Everything DiSC has built seven distinct learning applications using a transformational learning approach. As a result of this, these end-to-end learning experiences are rich with significant moments that inspire behaviour change.

The Consultation:

An essential part of DiSC for candidates is the ability to review and process the details from their profile within a safe and confidential environment.

  • UQL host feedback review sessions for all candidates within the Leeds office.
  • In addition, UQL are prepared to travel if required to other secure business premises.
  • Virtual sessions are possible.  However, due to the confidential nature of the discussions, this would be the least preferred option.  

The Profile:

  • Produces personalised content that utilises the DiSC model.
  • Delivers insights on personal preferences and tendencies as well as relating to and working
    with others.
  • Produces actionable strategies for improving interactions and overall performance.

The Facilitation:

  • Delivers a classroom experience that engages and educates.
  • Provides easy-to-use facilitation tools, including: scripted content, contemporary video, activities and more.
  • Customisable to meet the needs of your people and your business.

The Follow-Up Tools:

  • Allow participants to go deeper into their selected DiSC style.
  • Provides real-world tips for when connecting with colleagues.
  • Helps participants to gain an insight into their team or department’s DiSC culture.