Why The Upper Quartile

Intelligence and insights are major accelerants for growth.  As history shows, the ability to capture data, interpret it correctly and build a strategy for growth based upon it, has been critical in the success of many governments and countries as well as companies. 

Bletchley Park was the source for huge intelligence gathering and as a direct result of this brilliance, wars were won, lives changed and families were allowed to flourish. 

UQ looks to replicate the ethos and methodology of Bletchley Park within business.  This is to ensure our customers and allies can build their growth plans based on the same level of accurate, added value insight delivered by the amazing team of men and women at Bletchley Park have delivered decades before. 

The processes and protocols established by the UQ Team to deliver on-point Intelligence and Insights have been developed over years of research and collaboration with a number of leading Ivy League and Russell Group University research teams.  The harnessing of this intellectual horsepower is what sets UQ apart. 


UQ Background- What do we do?

The Upper Quartile (UQ) exists to deliver intelligence and insights that add value and depth within the strategic growth plans of customers.


Integrity Due Diligence

Since 2015, UQ have been asked to undertake a range of reports and projects to help customers understand the landscape ahead of them. 


Pipeline Health Check

The most prized service The Upper Quartile (UQ) delivers is within the arena of prospect and existing customer contract health checks.


Contact Network Support & Competitor Insights

UQ works with customers to build a clear and strong understanding of talented people within their sector.  This is with the aim of ensuring that the contact network is as strong as possible.

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UQ Insights

Best Business Insights MD 2023
UQ helps customers grow by understanding their “blind spot”
Over the past 5 years, The Upper Quartile (UQ), has had the privilege to work with industry-leading companies in developing an understanding of how and why they are winning.
Insights to Actn
McKinsey & Company Report.
An insightful piece on over-coming fatigue and ways to re-energise your team within a great McKinsey & Company Report.

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