Attract new talent

The Upper Quartile Group Ltd (UQL) are driven by our vision statement which is to be acknowledged as the voice of integrity and transparency within global recruitment. This is because sadly everyone has suffered a poor experience whilst looking to either attract talent or find a new career. UQL are looking to rewrite the customer expectations covering topics such as communication, professionalism, and fees.


We are not like other recruitment companies

UQL do not work on a % of first year salary fee structure. A mutual approach to fees ensures that customer’s and candidates expectations are exceeded. UQL have a ling term approach to career development which is a paradigm shift within the world of recruitment.

How do we differ

The UQL intelligence based approach ensures that all “job hopping”, “multiple redundancy victims” and “bad luck story” candidates are thoroughly interviewed, screened, and managed before any introduction of a new role.

Cultural fit

The UQL recruitment process ensures that  we balance the cultural fit of the company with the commercial and cultural fit of UQL members.  In-house dialog protects the recruiting manager from timewasting interviews and works to build an efficient pipeline for review.

Recruitment Regret

UQL acknowledge you may well have agencies you work with all we ask is that in this “new norm” your approach to retaining and attracting talent is also reviewed.  UQL are experts in this field and we would very much like an opportunity to shine within your business.


A fundamental principle of successful recruitment is for all parties to know and appreciate what success looks like prior to offers being made/joining a new company. UQL are an authorised partner of my everything Disc and encourage all recruitment projects to use these profiles as the heartbeat of any selection process or personal development. UQL also work with Belbin, True Colours, MBTI to add a true depth and breadth of insight.

Let us help

UQL has an approved membership of talent that by their very definition are the premier league in their field. UQL only accept 1:7 applicants the other six you have probably seen their CVs already. Let us help build your pipeline of talent rather than a knee jerk reaction to a resignation.

UQL are proud to work in many sectors covering a wide range of seniority of roles and professional bodies. In addition UQL are excited to be working with governments departments, local councils and the NHS through the successful award of OJEU Tenders.

Want to find out more?